My husband and I just had a conversation about something that I had thought of in my heart my entire life. Today is Good Friday. It is the day that we remember that Jesus died on the cross. The day that he was betrayed by all of his creation, He was beaten, bruised and completely broken. He was brutally murdered yet completely innocent. He was tortured for us. What is good about that? Why do we call it good?
I can only answer this one way. It was good for us. It was the best news ever for us, at the time anyway, because we all know that the best news comes on Sunday! It is good news because there is nothing that we could ever do to pay for our sins, but in his death He made the way for us. So even though His murder was horrible, it was still good for us, thus Good Friday.
I like to think of this day as a day of reflection. To reflect on the events of the entire week. One of my biggest fears (other than if you know me, SNAKES!) is knowing when I am about to die. Jesus spent this entire week doing things for people knowing not only that he would die within days but knowing fully what all would happen. I can't even imagine! I'm terrified to lay on my death bed knowing I'm dying soon, but He lived His life healthy knowing the horrors that would be coming to Him at the end of the week. Just to reflect on that one thing amazes me to speechlessness. But there's more.
Jesus spent His last week on earth the same way He spent the rest of His human life. He loved His people. He knew He way going to be leaving them and He wanted to prepare them for His absence. His only concern was for His loved ones. His love truly knows no bounds.
Jesus was praised then thrown to the wolves. He could have at any moment spoken one word and it all would've stopped, but He didn't. He kept pushing on and loving His people all the way until the end. Reflecting on this brings me to my knees in praise. I will never be able to fathom the love that He has for us.
So in reflection on Good Friday, it is good. It is good because He is good. He is more than good. There is no word in the English language worthy of explaining how good He is. Yet, I constantly fail Him. I constantly stray. But He constantly stays right there ready to take me back. As the song says, there is truly none like Him.
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