Monday, January 20, 2014

God's Plan for Joshua

Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you. God has a plan for every single soul that He creates. No matter how long or short those plans are powerful and fit perfectly into God's perfect plan for everything. He weaves everything together so intricately that we can't always see it until He is done.

Sometimes a soul can even fulfill their purpose before they are even born. Such is the case for a young one named Joshua Daniel who died when he was just 17 weeks in his mother’s womb. His mom feared for her own safety because of his father so she decided she only had one choice; to keep herself and his older brother safe, she chose to have an abortion so she could safely break away from this man. She loved him and didn't want to do this, but felt she had no choice. So one October morning she drove to a hospital and Joshua's precious little life was over,

Even though he was physically gone, God's plan for his life was just beginning. His mother never stopped thinking about him. Though this was her "choice" she never stopped loving him. God started speaking to her, he used this awful event (along with others) to show her that she needed Him. He wanted her to give her life over to Him. While sitting alone at a Christmas play that very same year, she agreed with God that she needed him and gave her life to Him.

Things started changing quickly for Joshua's mommy. One night, she was at a concert where the artist was singing a song about a baby who had been aborted. It was a very sweet song with a wonderful message, but Joshua's mom felt nothing but guilt. All she could think of was that day that he died. She felt such guilt and shame that it literally took her breath away.

With the help of a good Christian man (who later became her husband and daddy to Joshua and all his siblings) she learned to give this guilt and shame to God. God took her pain and began to use it for His own glory. She helped start a local Bible study where God allowed her to show others His forgiveness and grace. God allowed her to use this one very short, precious little life to show so many other people who God is and how He can take even the worst of situations and use them for His glory. He took this one little boy’s death and used it to help many other people, including his mommy.

 I’m quite sure if you’ve read this far, and didn’t already know, Joshua’s mommy is me. I think of him every day and still have so many questions that I will never be able to answer. The “choice” to abort my child was wrong and I have paid a hefty price for that sin. However, Jesus paid an ever higher price and has shown me that His grace is sufficient for me. I know that I will get to meet Joshua one day when I get to Heaven, I know that he is there waiting to meet me and I cannot wait for that day. Until then, I will rejoice because I know that Jesus has him well taken care of and that he had a plan for his short little life and that He has used that little life to do good for His ultimate plan. I hope that God continues to use me in helping others deal with the guilt and shame that comes with this “choice”.

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