I was not very scholarly in high school. I could not wait to get out! When I found out that I had enough credits to skip my senior year, I jumped on it. Took a few weeks of summer school and never looked back. Until just a little while ago. I knew it must have been God saying "It's time to do this" and all of the sudden, I became so excited! It was all I could think about, I wanted it so bad, and couldn't even figure out why!
I have spent a lot of time counseling in different formats. I love to be able to help people out. I have gone through a lot of hard times, and when I can take those, and use them to help some one else, it makes it all worth having to go through the bad. When asked what I wanted to study in college, first I was torn, I really like business. But I knew that what I really wanted to do is Biblical Counseling.
With the decision made, (both going back to school and what to study), I now needed something else, the courage and the smarts! As I said, I've never been scholarly. I had been out of school for twenty years. I was very nervous! But, I've never really been one to shy away from something for fear, especially if I wanted it bad enough, and I really wanted this! So I pushed the fear away, and basically just refused to think about it. Well, try anyways.
I have now finished my first class, and am half way through my second class. I received and A- in my first class and, as of right now, have an A in my current class! My professor has been very encouraging, and my classmates are all very helpful and nice. I entered college thinking that it would be overwhelming and make me feel very stupid, at least at first. But instead, it has done the opposite. College has been a huge ego booster! Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be prideful, I give all glory to God for allowing me to do this! But this has really made me feel good about myself in a way that I never have before in my life. It has been nothing but encouraging!
I do realize that college will continue to get harder and harder. But that has been a huge step for me, and I'm ready. Bring it on!
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