Wednesday, November 7, 2018

GraceLight Ministries: What We Do and a Plea for Help

What do you think of when you hear the word abortion?

Maybe you think, "Abortion is wrong! No one should do it and it should be made illegal!"

Or perhaps you're on the other side and you think, "It's a women's right and her choice as to what happens to her body!"

But what if I told you that there is another side to this great "debate". What if it was more than just an issue and that we all should consider something else surrounding abortion that not a lot of people are thinking about? There is another side and while many babies are dying, many other lives are being destroyed daily. This is something that we need to consider, and something that we MUST take a stand for immediately.

What I am talking about is the after-effect of abortion. Society tells us that abortion is ok and they fight for the "right" but everything stops once the woman leaves the clinic or hospital on that dreadful day. However, for the woman, it does not stop. For her, it is only the beginning of her horror.

Some may look at a post-abortive woman and think, "Oh, bless her heart" maybe they'll even commit to praying for her, but are we as a society, as a church reaching out to her? Or, perhaps the bigger question, are we showing woman that we will be a safe place for her to come to and open our arms to her; showing her love and compassion should she muster up the courage to stand and admit that she has made this "choice" and that she has been struggling ever since?

This is something that people may not understand because they have not gone through an unplanned pregnancy or an abortion. I can certainly understand that. Until the summer of 1997, I did not understand either. Until I was faced with this choice and my life was forever changed. But not knowing does not make us exempt. Can we drive down a road that has no speed limit sign and go whatever speed we want to? Absolutely not! It is up to us to find out the speed limit so that we can drive accordingly. Using that same analogy, it is up to us as the church and a society who cares about the women to understand and to take a stand for them.

That is the job that I want to do through GraceLight Ministry. I want to help educate people in the need for post-abortion care. I want to help women and men to feel confident to stand and admit what they have done so that they can gain the healing that they so desperately need. I want to help churches become aware of the amount of post-abortion souls that are silently crying out for help and show them ways to become open arms for the hurting to find healing.

Sadly, there are many churches who think that post-abortion care belongs to the Pregnancy Resource Centers or that they don't have anyone who is post-abortive at their church. This thinking is not only wrong but it is very dangerous. This thinking is what Satan has been using to keep these hurting souls in bondage. It is time to step up and fight for them. Won't you join me?

Please consider allowing GraceLight Ministry to come speak to your church, your women's group, or your youth group. There are many ways that you could help me. Introduce me to your pastor, tell people in your church about GraceLight Ministry, share this or any other of my ministry posts on Facebook, comment on the posts or hep me get some conversations going. Pray for GraceLight Ministry.

It's time we join together and stand for these hurting men and women. That is my goal for GraceLight Ministry. Won't you consider joining with me, please?